Thursday, June 24, 2021

7 Things First Time Solo Travellers Need to Consider

At some point in our life, we get to try interesting things that we have never done before. One of these is travelling solo for leisure. Nowadays, it is not impossible to go on vacation to different places we've never visited in our entire life because of the many convenient ways to travel.

For once in your life, experience going to a distant place to unwind and relax, have peace of mind, and reflect on yourself. Give yourself time to refresh and take a rest. You deserve a break. If you had never travelled alone before, you have to decide by now before you regret it; but you have to consider some important things too.

7 Things to Consider Before Travelling for the First Time

1. Plan your trip.

Decide based on your desired place to visit. When you plan your trip, you think about your desired destination first. Find answers to these questions:
  • Where do you really want to go? 
  • When do you intend to travel?
  • What do you really want to visit? 
  • What is your main purpose for going there?
Plan your trip at least three months from the date of your travel. Your trip must not be in conflict with your other tasks or activities.

2. Do Research.

You have already decided where to go. It's now time for you to do deep research about the place. The internet is useful for this self-task because you can easily find a lot of information there. Search for feedback about the place - whether good or bad. 

Ask for more information from solo managed tours. Inquire about the place: nice tourist spots for sightseeing, cheap accommodation for days of stay, delicious local food to try, and popular souvenir shops to buy souvenirs.

Check some websites about travel and leisure. Read some blogs about solo travelling and decide whether to do the same thing or not. Other blogs include a sample itinerary for the trip. Others write about their experience of the place. If you plan to travel during this pandemic, do research on travel restrictions and other protocols of the place. Follow the guidelines and secure necessary documents needed to be presented.

3. Think about your budget.

Travelling will not be made possible if you don't spend money on it. This is one thing that people need to consider. When you decide to go to your dream destination, you think about the amount of money you will need for the trip.

Some places are expensive, some are not. Some accommodations are cheap but with good quality service; others are expensive but with the same quality as the cheap ones. Which will you choose? If you are a backpacker, you will, for sure, choose the cheap one. Include this in your research.

Before you decide to travel, make sure that you will not run out of budget. That is why it is better to do prior research about how much budget you will be needing so you can give yourself time to decide on things that you will do or places that you will go.

Remember, your budget is your best weapon.

4. Decide on certain places you want to visit.

Wherever you are going, it is important to choose the places where you want to visit because there are many different beautiful spots in just one place. You cannot get the chance to visit all of them for a short time, unless you decide to travel for a month or more.

For example, you are travelling to the Philippines for a week. There are many beautiful attractions in the country and you cannot visit all of them for just a week. So it is better to write down and choose where to go. Then make your own itinerary.

5. Prepare for your daily leisure activities

Your daily leisure activities are the things included in your itinerary. Some of them may not be followed but if you hire a tour guide, they know more about the place so you can have them decide where to go. You can also tell them your itinerary and they will bring you there.

Prepare for your OOTD. Many travellers change clothes three times a day when they travel. You may want to do it too. You may bring your swimsuits, hat, sunglasses, slippers, sunblock, hiking sandals, face towels, and other personal essentials. Sometimes, it is better to bring more things with you than to buy.

6. Secure your passport.

This is the most important when you plan to go overseas for tourism purposes. We all know that you cannot travel abroad if you do not have a passport. Make sure it is valid. Aside from your budget, this must not be left behind. 

7. Book a flight ticket in advance.

Where are you going? There are many countries and cities in the world that are accessible in just an hour or two. If you have a definite travel destination, it will not be difficult for you to book a ticket. Booking a ticket in advance, at least 2 or 3 months prior to your travel date, is better as costs are inexpensive. Some airlines offer promos or discounts for flights to certain destinations. After booking, you will only think about your personal allowance and itinerary. I personally use this website when I book a ticket to my desired destination.

You are now ready to set off for your first solo travel. Are you ready? Plan your trip now, do your research, and prepare for your activities alone! 

Check these websites for your reference:

Disclaimer: The websites mentioned above are my personal references and recommendation.

Pros and Cons of Traveling Solo

Are you fond of traveling? Do you travel alone or with friends?

Traveling is convenient and easy these days. More travel destinations are accessible because of the heightened ease of access from one country or city to another. These destinations are actually budget-friendly and you don't need to spend much on transportation and accommodation. Imagine the COVID-19 pandemic did not arise. Imagine the current state of the world is normal. How often do you travel?
Traveling alone or with a companion is your choice. By deciding to go on a trip for leisure, you also decide whether to be with someone or go on your own. Both have the advantage and disadvantage, but you may consider some factors before you finalize your decision. 

Traveling alone soon? How about contemplating on its pros and cons?

Traveling Solo: Pros and Cons


  • You can decide on the amount of money you want to disburse for yourself.
  • You know when and how to manage your own budget without worrying about others.
  • It can be a little expensive.
  • You get to pay all the amount for something you purchase or for other fees.
  • There is a possibility of touching your extra budget for unanticipated circumstances.

  • You can manage your own time.
  • You don't need to wait for others to finish doing a thing especially when it's a new day to start kicking off for the next adventure.
  • You can decide whether to stop at a place to rest and relax or not.
  • Your time is unlimited.
  • You may tend to unfollow your itinerary.
  • You may miss some of the places you intend to visit.

  • You have all the time to reflect and cogitate.
  • You give yourself peace of mind.
  • You allow yourself to think deeply about life.
  • You get to realize your worth as a person.
  • You become more independent and confident.
  • You don't depend your decisions to others; you decide for yourself and by yourself.
  • You will be lonely.
  • You may envy other travelers who have companions (thinking that they enjoy better having somebody with them).
  • You feel tired.
  • You cannot share your excitement with anybody you know.
👫People and Places

  • You get the chance to meet new people, particularly the locals.
  • You get to experience a new culture (food, language, customs, etc.)
  • You develop your interpersonal skills by interacting with other people.
  • You discover new places out of your comfort zone.
  • You can decide which place you want to go to without asking others' opinions.
  • You learn a new skill by feeling and thinking like a local.
  • You look after yourself; you don't worry about others.
  • You cannot trust everyone you meet.
  • Some places, if you like adventures the most, can be a little dangerous.
  • There are expensive places or tourist spots.
  • You are prone to fooling by some people (if you did not do research prior to your trip).
Traveling alone is something that you can try at least once in your life. There are good things about traveling solo. Do research about places you intend to go. Your strong determination is more important than anything else.

Imagine the pandemic has ended. Where is your next holiday? Share it with us.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Why Do We Travel: My Personal Reasons

Travelling is sometimes an expensive hobby. We need to have sufficient budget for us to go to our desired travel destination, regardless of the reason. Here are my personal reasons why I always want to travel, whether I have enough budget or none.

1. Relax and unwind
Although travelling is a bit tiring, my main purpose is to relax and unwind; to free myself from a tiring work. There are times that we have been so busy doing our tasks at work and we forget to give ourselves the freedom they deserve. I always desire to go to a place where I can feel inner peace and have a stable state of mind. I always long for self-reflection and cogitation. To a place where I have peace of mind, I can relax and unwind, and forget about life problems.

2. Discover new places
When I travel, I always make sure that I enjoy and see to it that my chosen place of adventure is worth it. I do research as to where to go next, then make a list of worthwhile activities. I love discovering new places that I have never been to. I admire every little thing that place has to offer as I love nature. When I go to a certain place for adventure, I get excited about it and what I can do.

3. Meet new friends
I have been travelling domestically by myself. Sometimes I travel with my friends. Travelling alone is more expensive than travelling with friends, but when I go alone, I meet new people - strangers. Talking with the locals while I eat their usual snacks is like getting to know them well and feeling like I am one of them. I have realized that it is always good to befriend the locals as they will treat you more than a tourist or a visitor. In places of adventure and beautiful spots, we can also make friends or acquaintances by greeting our fellow tourists or starting a small talk with them. It is one way of getting out of our shell and explore others' world too.

4. Self-assessment and Cogitation
Everytime I travel alone, at the end of every day, I think about my main purpose. I give myself time to reflect and cogitate. I re-assess myself by going back to the stressful days I have been struggling. I think about possible solutions to problems. This time is my "me time." I always make time for myself and to spend it with my own company. This is the only time when I can value myself more than anything else, because I deserve peacefulness in mind and heart.

5. Explore another culture
I appreciate learning about other cultures particularly learning a language and eating food. I love learning new things. If I go to another place, it is expected that there is a vast difference in terms of language or dialect, conversational styles and attitudes, food preparation, eating habits, norms of the locals, beliefs, and many others related to culture. I have always been interested to all of these, and it is one of the reasons why I love travelling. I want to learn more and I want to be part of that particular culture (although impossible).

6. Experience
If you don't go to other places, you have nothing to share with others. As much as possible, travel if you can. The experience I get when I go on a trip is always a treasure. There is nothing more beautiful than the experience I encounter in every place I go, whether it is nice or not. At least, there is always something that we can share and not just rely on what we read in books. I take a lot of pictures and keep them because one day I know, all these will become a memory.

7. Develop confidence and enthusiasm
I am not a shy person but there are certain times that I hesitate to initiate a query. When I travel, I learned that there is no harm in asking. It is way better than doing things on your own. I was able to develop self-confidence by doing so. To add, I was able to develop my enthusiasm in all the things I want to get and what I want to happen. Because I am always enthusiastic, I make sure that what I imagine happens.

8. Doing myself a favor
I believe that I deserve a break - a break from the toxic reality. When I travel, I grant myself's request: achieve your goal. I always find ways to do it, because at the end of the day, I only have myself to accompany me. I don't care about material things. Travelling is my form of contentment.Travelling is my self-reward. 

We have our own reasons why we travel. Although it is expensive, travelling makes us more adventurous and the experience we gain from it does not equate any value of money. It may be hard at times, but if we try to be more aggressive and keen, we can achieve it.

Are you in for a trip after the pandemic? Send me a buzz and let's talk.

Share your thoughts with me.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Goal Achieved: A Traipse and Sunrise in Panimahawa Ridge

Whether it is a team goal or a personal goal, we can always achieve it if we really want to.

Sunrise in Panimahawa Ridge

Who would not want to chase the sunrise or sunset at this picturesque ridge? Beautiful, isn't it?

It was a 2-month plan for our team to travel to the beautiful province of Bukidnon and visit some of its tourist spots. Excitement was felt from Day 1 of the planning until the day we stepped on its territory. 

at Camp Phillips, Bukidnon

We went to some places such as the Mountain View College where the beautiful Mt. Kitanglad is clearly seen; 

At Mountain View College Bukidnon

Lake Apo where we spent our lunch at a floating cottage and had moments of laughter; 

at Lake Apo

Musuan Peak where, unfortunately I wasn't able to climb due to some circumstances, my friends however did it and enjoyed the view from the peak;

My friends, in Musuan Peak

Communal Ranch where my friends rode on horses and had fun racing with one another and of course picture taking for instagrammable posts. 

Group photo at the Communal Ranch

These are only few of the places we visited while in Bukidnon. The highlight most of all is our morning trek to the famous Panimahawa Ridge.

This had been one of our goals - reach the summit of the ridge and witness the sun as it gradually rises to light the whole world. Finally, we achieved it. The sun's rising indicated a good weather on that day.

Our team, ready for the trek

Our jump-off point was at Impalutao in Impasug-ong, Bukidnon where we met the in-charge if there are hikers who go for a trek. His name is Bobby Paul or known as Sir Bob. He introduced us to two guides named Kuya Dante and Kuya Larry.

We started the trek at 4:19 AM. It wasn't a difficult trek at the beginning since we just traversed plain corn fields for about 10 minutes to prepare ourselves for a more challenging trek and began to descend for 20 minutes to reach the bamboo bridge. We took a rest for a while then began to ascend to a little steep terrain. By the way, we were using our mobile phones' flashlights since it was dark yet. It was a 30-minute ascent until we reached a little hut where hikers can take a rest and see some town lights from afar. We rested for 15 minutes then began to walk again and reached a house where we can refill our bottles with water or answer the call of nature before we started to ascend again. This time, we were right at the foot of the ridge.

Our guides were surprised that we walked faster than any other hikers that we could reach some points during the trek in less than the expected time. The way to the summit was steep. It wasn't difficult, however, there were a lot of rocks along the way which can cause one to slide if not being careful. We needed to hold hands to help one another in ascending. 

The summit in silhouette view

They say, the most beautiful view can be found after a hardest climb. Yes, this is agreeably right. We were mesmerized with the beautiful sea of clouds as we reached the summit although the sun hasn't risen yet.

Not so thick, but it's still a sea of clouds.

Indeed. Panimahawa Ridge's view is breath-taking. This goal was achieved and we never regretted it. Personally, it has been my long time plan to go there, and yes, it was realized! We were able to witness the sun rising slowly and showing us its brightness. Of course, we welcomed it with a smile and with fulfillment.

Group photo at the Panimawa Ridge
We took a lot of photos and enjoyed the view. There were hikers who spent one whole night there to witness the sunset and the sunrise. They left with no trace, yes, but unfortunately, there were few trashes which is, I think, not a good attitude of a hiker. 

We also brought our trail food and ate at the summit. When the sun's heat was about to painfully hit our skin, we decided to descend. The descent from the summit was a little scary as rocks were clearly causing us to slide. We had to be cautious at all times. 

We were just behind our friends but we had to take more rests this time as our feet were already shaking and we couldn't almost catch our breaths. We traversed the same trail as we did while going to the summit. It was just funny that we (my friend and I) were lost as we took a different trail when we were almost back at the jump-off point. Good thing we met Kuya Larry and came back together to the base where our friends were already taking a rest and waiting for us.

The trek was an achievement, indeed. If you wish to visit Panimahawa Ridge, you may contact Sir Bob through his mobile number 09978013135. The rate of the hike is P300.00 per person. 

You may bring your trail food if you'd like to eat breakfast at the summit or bring a camping set if you wish to spend a night there. Wear hiking shoes with spike as rocks are dangerous near the summit. 

What are you waiting for?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hitting Two Peaks in Less Than A Day

Do you know someone who is obsessed with mountain climbing? Are you that someone? If yes, then this is for you.

Mountain climbing is the new trend nowadays as they say. Some people prefer to go hiking than beaching. If swimming or diving makes you a good swimmer, then mountain climbing makes you a conqueror. Yes, you read it right. Regardless if you are a novice hiker or an expert, once you reach the peak of a mountain, you are a conqueror.

Osmena Peak

Famous for beginner hikers, Osmena peak can be reached even without a tour guide. With its elevation of 1,013 meters ASL, hikers can easily climb its peak without difficulty as the trail is not as steep as the other mountains. Surrounding the peak are pointed rocky mountain ranges covered with green grass and some wild plants. Cabbage and other fresh vegetables are planted on plains where you can buy at a very affordable price.

The view at the foot of the peak

There is an entrance fee collected before climbing the peak. Some children offer their service to guide you and bring your things to the peak with a fee that you can decide as to how much. They can also be your photographers as you traverse the trail uphill.

View of the road

A pose at a rock formation just few minutes after setting off

When you are tired, you can always take a rest. If you are into mountain climbing, it would only take you 10 to 15 minutes to reach the peak. Then you will see the wonderful view of what they call Badian Island and the nearby province of Negros Oriental. The view at the peak is amazing that even the heat of the sun that can burn your skin cannot dominate because the weather is still cold.

You can take pictures at the peak as it is flat but be careful because it is rocky. 

An instagrammable pose can be done there. Group photos are possible too.

Our Group pose

You can also eat breakfast there but make sure to "Clean as you go" to avoid trashes in the area. The peak is easy to climb but the view on top is superb. 

Kandungaw Peak

Located in Maloray, Dalaguete, Cebu, Kandungaw Peak is more difficult to climb as it has a steeper slope than Osmena Peak. Although stairs going up are cemented, you can opt to take the more challenging trail. It would take you at least 30 to 40 minutes to reach the peak and you need to use some stick to aid you in climbing.

Kandungaw Peak as seen at it s foot

The view of the neighboring mountain towns can be seen as you wander the trails uphill. There is also a cave along the way. Some ropes are tied at the trees so hikers can hold and pull them to avoid falling or slipping.

Entrance of the cave

At last, at the peak, a breath-taking and picturesque view of Cebu and its neighboring islands can be seen. With a cold blow of the wind and the soft breeze that touches your skin, your tiredness is gone as you reach the top.

Across the peak is the Sunset Peak where the excellent view of the sea that divides Cebu and Negros is visible. Great photos can be taken there too including jumpshots and giant poses. Reaching the peak is fulfilling. 

When you go down, be careful as the trail is slippery despite having been cemented. You will always need your stick to guide you as you go down. There is also a fee collected before climbing and guides offer their service with a minimum fee of 300.00. They guide you all throughout the climb.

If you have a private vehicle, these two peaks can easily be reached. However, if you commute from Cebu City, it would take you long hours to reach them earlier although both can be hit once in just a day. Some hikers choose to stay there overnight and camp. If you bet, better prepare a durable tent and a thick blanket.

So, what are you waiting for? Plan your next hike and climb Osmena and Kandungaw Peak in Southern Cebu.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Sunday Escape: Hiking in Foressa Trails

Couldn't think of your next weekend escapade? Foressa Trails has something adventurous for you.

If you are into hiking or trekking or mountain climbing, or if you are a nature lover and you appreciate everything about it, then hiking at Foressa Trails can be one in your adventure bucket list.

Foressa Mountain Town is located in Cansomoroy, Balamban, Cebu and is owned by the AboitizLand Inc. It is an hour and a half ride from Cebu City by private car. A van for hire, usually called the V-Hire passes by Foressa through the Trans-Central Hi-way from Ayala Center Cebu Terminal and fare is about more or less 120.00 (not sure, though).

A weekend getaway at this place which they call the "the great backyard" is perfect for someone who seeks an escape from a busy and stressful city life. It can be a bolt for your freedom to see what nature can offer as you rekindle your spiritual being in this mountain paradise without thinking about your worries and fears in life.

The price of hike trails is 150.00 per person and the tour guide is 250.00 maximum of 10 persons. More prices of possible activities here:

At the site, a guide can bring you to a hike of up to 10.7 km. Along the hike, you can see some trail guides that lead you to some spots including the waterfalls inside a cave and the way to Binuthan cave.

The hike trails

Trail guide

Trail precaution

You also cross the stream many times and you may take unlimited photos along the way. According to a guide, they do not allow hikers to go on a hike if it is raining as the water usually increases and the trails are slippery and steep.

There is a mini swimming pool along the way, but it is slightly narrow so don't expect too much.

The little swimming pool

At the stream you can take a rest and pose by big piles of rock and savor the moment as you feel the gentle touch of its flowing water.

A quick pose at this beautiful scenery

If you are a new hiker, it would take you 2 hours to reach Binuthan cave and another 2 hours to go back to the jump off point. The trails going back are a little steep and more difficult than the initial trails as you encounter a lot of cogon grasses along the way.

Unknown name but it has falls inside

A pose outside Binuthan cave

If you want to hike at Foressa trails, you should start earlier than 9 AM so you can come back earlier too. You can bring your food and have a picnic or you can stay overnight and camp. For more details, you may visit their Facebook page through the link mentioned above.

It is always fun to do common things with people who have the same interest as you. While hiking at Foressa can be done alone, it is better to do it as a group as well to enjoy more and feel nature's spirit within yourselves.

What are you waiting for? Plan your next hike and go to Foressa Trails.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Quick Ride and Traipse in Tapaz

I was not born in the Municipality of Tapaz but I was raised there and completed my elementary and high school education. Tapaz is the center town of the island of Panay with 58 barangays in total. Mountains dominate the town and these are accessible by motorcycle as the primary mode of transportation.

The motorbikes we used on our "lagaw"
I have never been to these mountain areas of my hometown so my friends and I including my brother decided to go to a beautiful spot in the mountainous part of the town which locals call "Bulod." The place was a little far from the town proper. We had to ride on a motorbike as the slope got steep and the stones were big enough to let it tumble down if the driver doesn't know how to take control. Good thing our drivers are a little expert. Hahaha.

Tapaz as seen from Bulod

View of the highlands
The sun was already up when we got there. The heat did not matter to us. We took photos and enjoyed the scenery as it was our first time to reach that place without a guide. Soon after we finished taking beautiful shots, we went on and continued to be amazed with God's natural masterpiece painted with green and brown.

Pose before we leave the area

Panay River
Watch video here:

We reached Brgy. Aglinab but we had to pass by the Panay River. Then we reached their hanging bridge which connects one end of the barangay to the other end. It was swaying, though but we managed to smile and continued until we reached the so-called grotto privately owned by a local family.

The panoramic view of Panay River in Brgy. Aglinab
If you are a first-time hiker just like my friend, Eden, you have at least 3 rests before you reach the grotto. Good thing I have an experience in mountain climbing and trekking so I did not have difficulty climbing that little mountain too, although I felt tired, of course. The hike was worth it. I say it because I appreciate nature the most.

The place, Brgy. Aglinab, can only be accessible by motorcycle via Brgy. San Miguel Ilaya and Ilawod, through Brgy. Gebio-an (if I am not mistaken). It is fine to go there through this route but I would not suggest to go back to the same route if you go to the mainland because the stones on the road are so big that wheels of the motorbikes seem to dance. The road going back is a little steep too. For a safer way back to the highway, it is better to take the Brgy. Katipunan road through Brgy. Libertad as the barangay road is plane and not steep in spite of the slippery way caused by small stones with sands.

A pose on the hanging bridge
Regardless of the difficult road, we chose to be courageous and determined because we wanted to achieve something. That was taking a quick traipse in the highlands of my own hometown, Tapaz in the Province of Capiz.

7 Things First Time Solo Travellers Need to Consider

At some point in our life, we get to try interesting things that we have never done before. One of these is travelling solo for leisure. Now...